41 research outputs found

    The influence of magnetic field shape on dielectric characteristics of vacuum switches

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    Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje uticaja oblika magnetnog polja u međukontaktnom prostoru u smislu degradacije kontakata tokom sklopnih operacija isklopa pod opterećenjem. U tom smislu statistički su analizirani rezultati merenja naizmeničnog probojnog napona i impulsnog probojnog napona. Eksperimenti su sprovedeni na komercijalnim prekidačima sa CuCr kontaktima. Parametri u eksperimentu bili su vrednost napona prilikom prekidanja struje i međukontaktno rastojanje. Ustanovljeno je da prekidači sa radijalnim magnetnim poljem u međukontaktnom prostoru trpe manje ireverzibilne promene tokom prekidanja nominalne struje i nominalne struje kratkog spoja.The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of the magnetic field shape in the inter-contact space in the context of contact degradation during the switching operation of circuit-breaking with current. The results of measuring the AC breakdown voltage and pulse breakdown voltage are statistically analyzed for that purpose. The experiments are carried out on the commercial switching elements with CuCr contact. The experiment parameters are the current breaking voltage value and inter-electrode distance. Results showed that switches with radial magnetic field suffer less irreversible changes during the breaking operation such as circuit-breaking with nominal current and circuit-breaking with short-circuit current


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    Bent functionsare Booleanfunctionswith highestnonlinearitywhich makes them interesting for cryptography. Determination of bent functions is an importantbut hard problem, since the general structure of bent functions is still unknown. Various constructions methods for bent functions are based on certain deterministic procedures, which might result in some regularitythat is a feature undesired for applications in cryptography. Random generation of bent functions is an alternative, however, the search space is very large and the related procedures are time consuming. A solution is to restrict the search space by imposing some conditions that should be satisfied by the produced bent functions. In this paper, we propose three ways of imposing such restrictions to construct subsets of Boolean functions within which the bent functions are searched. We estimate experimentally the number of bent functions in the corresponding subsets of Boolean functions

    Early pioneers to reversible computation

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    Reversible computing is one of the most intensively developing research areas nowadays. We present a survey of less known or forgotten papers to show that a transfer of ideas between different disciplines is possible

    Doktor Avram Josif Vinaver (1862-1915) - pionir srpske radiologije

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    Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver (1862-1915), a Jew from Poland, was a pioneer of radiology in Serbia. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Warsaw (1887) but lived and worked in Šabac (the Kingdom of Serbia) since 1890. He procured the first X-ray machine and developed a radiological service in Šabac five years after the discovery of X-rays. These were the beginnings of radiology in Serbia. He introduced the application of artesian wells. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver - a Participant at the First Congress of Serbian Physicians and Naturalists, Belgrade 1904. "The Diagnostic Importance of X-rays in Lung Disease, especially in Initial Tuberculosis" and "Five Years of Treatment by X-Ray Machines" were the first works in the field of radiology in Serbia by this author. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver - Reserve Medical Officer in the Serbian Army. During the Balkan Wars, he was a volunteer with the rank of major engaged in military corps and he participated in the First World War as well. He died of malaria in 1915 in Gevgelija. His dedication to work during the typhus epidemics was put into verses of a poem by his son Stanislav Vinaver. Dr Avram Vinaver Joseph was a nobleman with a great heart, who selflessly sacrificed himself for the Serbian people and Serbia. He gave his contribution to the development of health services in Serbia, both in peacetime and wartime conditions. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver laid the foundations for today’s radiology in SerbiaDoktor Avram Josif Vinaver (1862−1915), Jevrejin iz Poljske, bio je pionir srpske radiologije. Diplomirao je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Varšavi (1887). Od 1890. godine živeo je i radio u Šapcu (Kraljevina Srbija). Nabavio je prvi rendgenski aparat i razvio radiološku službu u Šapcu, pet godina po otkriću X-zraka. Bili su to počeci radiologije u Srbiji. Uveo je u primenu arterške bunare. Dr Avram Josif Vinaver − učesnik Prvog kongresa srpskih lekara i prirodnjaka, Beograd 1904. godine. „Dijagnostička važnost Rentgenovih zrakova kod bolesti pluća, naročito kod početne tuberkuloze” i „Pet godina lečenja Rentgenovim zracima” bila su prva saopštenja iz oblasti radiologije u Srbiji ovog autora. Dr Avram Josif Vinaver - rezervni sanitetski major srpske vojske. Za vreme Balkanskih ratova bio je dobrovoljac sa činom majora angažovan u vojnom sanitetu. Učesnik je i I svetskog rata. Umro je od malarije 1915. godine u Đevđeliji. O požrtvovanom radu dr Avrama Josifa Vinavera u vreme epidemije pegavog tifusa u Srbiji svedoči i pesma njegovog sina Stanislava Vinavera. Doktor Avram Josif Vinaver je bio čovek plemenitog srca koji se nesebično žrtvovao za srpski narod i Srbiju. Dao je doprinos razvoju zdravstvene zaštite stanovništva Srbije podjednako i u mirnodopskim i u ratnim uslovima. Doktor Avram Vinaver je postavio temelje današnje radiologije u Srbiji


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    The autocorrelation of a Boolean function is animportant mathematical concept with various applications. It is a kernel ofmany algorithms with essential applications whose efficiency is directlylimited by the time and space complexity of methods for computing theautocorrelation. These limitations, in this paper, can be overcome by computingthe autocorrelation through Shared Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagram(SMTBDD) that are a data structure allowing compact representations of largeBoolean functions. The computation is performed in the spectral domain byexploiting the Wiener-Khinchin theorem and the fast calculation algorithm throughSMTBDDs. It is necessary to develop a specialized decision diagram package withall the standard BDD operations that support fast calculation algorithm throughdecision diagrams and dynamically resizable terminal nodes allows to deal withlarge integers that appear in computing the autocorrelation coefficients. Anexperimental evaluation over benchmarks, confirmed favorably the efficiency ofthe proposed data structure and related algorithms

    Application of Geolocation Module in the Electronic Multimedia Guide

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    The paper presents the work in progress towards the enhancement of features and increasing the comfort of usability of the multimedia guide for the War Museum of Niš under the Open Sky. Previously, this electronic guide was realized as a mobile application that informs visitors about the persons and events to which monuments in the city of Niš are dedicated. Visitors could access information about the monuments through a list of monuments or by using an interactive map with the location of the monuments marked. Presently, we are introducing a new module that will improve user experience through the usage of location-based services. The visitor's location is used by the Geolocation module to show the information about the nearby monument. The monument has to be inside of a predefined radius (e.g. 2 m or more) in order to activate the projection of the information about the monument

    An influence of finishing procedures and protective coating on the ultrastructure of conventional and hybrid glass ionomer cement restorations

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    Introduction In addition to the advantages of glass ionomer cements that have led to their wide application, hybrid glass ionomer cements have been developed to overcome the shortcomings in mechanical resistance. The aim of the study was to perform an ultrastructural analysis of restorations made from conventional and hybrid glass ionomer cements after recommended finishing procedures and application of a protective coating. Materials and Methods This study analyzed 30 samples of conventional glass ionomer cement Fuji IX™ and 30 samples of hybrid glass ionomer cement EQUIA Forte HT Fil™. The samples were prepared in cylindrical molds and divided into the three groups. The first group of samples, after adaptation, was left untreated and served as a control group. The second group consisted of samples that were finished with a cylindrical diamond bur with water cooling. The samples in the third group were finished and protected with appropriate coatings (G-COAT PLUS™ and EQUIA Forte Coat™). The samples were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. Results The finishing procedures of Fuji IX™ samples significantly reduced crack width (t = 3.42, p < 0.005; Z = 3.25, p = 0.001). Similarly, the crack width in EQUIA Forte HT Fil™ samples was also significantly smaller in treated samples (t = 4.78, p < 0.001; Z = 4.28, p < 0.001). Ultrastructural analysis of both materials showed the complete absence of cracks in finished samples protected by coatings. Conclusion Finishing of conventional and hybrid glass ionomer cements results in a reduction in the number of cracks as well as a decrease in their widths, and the protective coatings completely cover remaining cracks

    Cyclic fatigue testing of ProTaper Universal and ProTaper Next rotary instruments of different diameters

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    Introduction Sudden fracture of instruments without previous warning signs, which occurs due to cyclic and torsional fatigue, represents the biggest problem and one of the most difficult complications during endodontic therapy. The aim of this research was to check the influence of diameter of the instruments on the appearance of cyclic fatigue in simulated canals in full rotation. Material and Method The study analyzed 24 ProTaper Universal instruments (12 instruments with a diameter of 25 and 12 instruments with a diameter of 30) and 24 ProTaper Next instruments (12 instruments with a diameter of 25 and 12 instruments with a diameter of 30). The instruments were tested in an artificial canal stuffed in a metal block at an angle of 45° and a corner radius of 5 mm. The operating time of each instrument until fracture was measured, and then the number of cycles to fracture (NCF) was calculated. The length of the fractured fragments (FL) was measured with a Vernier caliper. Results The number of cycles to fracture was higher (p < 0.001) in instruments of the ProTaper Universal group of diameter 25 (367.83 ± 17.00) compared to instruments of diameter 30 (329.33 ± 12.86) of the same group. The number of cycles leading to the fracture in instruments of the ProTaper Next group of diameter 25 (1189.33 ± 18.97) was higher (p < 0.001) compared to instruments of the same group of diameter 30 (971.08 ± 15.26). Conclusion Obtained results indicated that with an increase in the diameter of rotating endodontic instruments, there is a decrease in the resistance to cyclic fatigue

    Botanical Control of Parasites in Veterinary Medicine

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    Phytotherapy may be defined as the use of plants for the treatment of ailments and those represent a practice that dates since ancient times. It refers to the use of whole plants, their parts such as flowers, leaves, roots and seeds as well as substances extracted from them (plant extracts and essential oils) for treating various diseases. It also may imply their use to support traditional treatment with commercial drugs. Plants and their extracts are an important part of pharmacopoeia in less developed parts of the world, but more recently in the advancement societies. However, plant-based products may also be used for the treatment of diseases in animals, prevalently in livestock. Ethnopharmacology may be implied in veterinary medicine due to the potential therapeutic efficacy, reduced susceptibility to microbial and parasitic resistance, as well as lowered risk of adverse effects and decreased residues in animal products and environment in comparison with chemotherapeutic agents. Moreover, botanical control of various diseases in animals can also be sustainable from the financial point of view. Therefore, medicinal plants are a valuable part of the field of drug discovery and represent an important source of new drugs and drug leads. In this regard, antiparasitic properties are a common point of focus in studies aimed to validate the pharmacological effects of herbal products. A huge number of such plants and their products are considered suitable for the treatment of almost every parasitic disease in livestock. In pets, there are also an increasing number of such studies in dogs and cats, whereby plants product were proven to be effective against various parasites.Link ka celoj monografiji gde se nalazi i poglavlje: https://uniquescientificpublishers.com/one-health-triad-volume-3